

Krishna Nursing Home

well experienced treatment team!


Center for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Head Injury It runs on every Thursday and Saturday by a team of Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Occupational Therapist. This team is specialized in dealing with emotional disturbances, guiding parents, ADHD children, Learning Disability (Dyslexia), Adolescent Crisis and Poor Scholastic Performance. It has a specialized software to improve the Attention & Concentration of ADHD and the Head Injury Patients. The multi-disciplinary team treats various cognitive disabilities of injury and stroke patients.

The children who are brought for Emotional Disturbance, Poor Scholastic Performance are assessed with appropriate tests such as Intelligence Assessment, Attention Deficit assessment, Dyslexia assessment, and for emotional disturbances Sacks Sentence Completion Test, Draw A Person Test, Thematic Appreciation Test, because children may have not developed cognitively to express their thoughts and emotions. Counselling will be given for the children and for their parents as well. They will also be given Parenting techniques to manage children and adults.

Considering the experience in this field, the team started an Innovative Programme for children of 5 years to 11 years and adolescents and their parents as parental group. The children of 5 to 11 years old group along with their parents are trained in Emotional, Social, Intellectual and Parenting skills; this group is called SMART BRAIN. Whereas for the adolescent group the TEENS & PARENTS focus is on raising the awareness in the adolescence who are in transformation from child to adolescent, and also social, emotional and relationship issue and as well the parents who are taken for surprise due to the change in their child trying to exert their individuality and control over their environment and as well emotional changes, concurring along with their hormonal changes in their body.

Vision : What are we doing ?

Our work is to improve and bring the quality outcome among the children and adolescence to face the demands of the society. We are also enabling and empowering them to bring emotional stability for effective functioning.

Mission: Where are we going ?

We are aimed to provide a safe, caring, therapeutic environment where the children and adolescence with psychiatric, educational, and social challenges can best develop the skills and character necessary to rejoin their communities and families with success.



They are manifesting the importance of patients and the role in their family to the caretakers. Team always wins the confidence of the approachers to get involved with it. The Nurses are also trained well in taking care of the patients even without the presence of Specialists. This team runs 24 X 7 to give emergency care when in need. It has the speciality to approach the problems empathetically, makes them to vent out their problems at ease